
Bullgod spells doom for Lasmid’s future


Bullgod, CEO of Bullhaus Entertainment and artiste manager, has expressed concerns for the future of Lasmid, the winner of the 2023 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards New Artiste of The Year, following his departure from Kaywa and his ‘Highly Spiritual Music’ label.

In a previous interview with Andy Dosty on Adom TV, Kaywa confirmed rumors of Lasmid parting ways with the music label. It was revealed that Lasmid had been contemplating leaving the label even before the VGMA on the 24th.

There are speculations that Lasmid’s decision to leave stemmed from his request for a 50-50 revenue split, which was declined by the label.

In response to this development, Bullgod sought clarification on Lasmid’s intentions with the 50-50 split, questioning whether the artiste was also willing to invest 50-50. He emphasized the need to understand the artiste’s perspective, considering that labels like Highly Spiritual Music invest heavily in terms of money, time, and resources. Bullgod pointed out that while they may be open to renegotiation after a certain period or success, it is essential for the artiste to contribute their fair share.

Bullgod highlighted the significance of artiste management, brands, and labels in shaping and nurturing talents. He emphasized that without the guidance and investments provided by labels, many talents would not reach their full potential. Bullgod encouraged aspiring artistes who believe they can succeed without labels to pursue their goals independently without burdening label owners.

Expressing his apprehension for Lasmid’s future, Bullgod drew attention to previous cases where artists left labels and faced difficulties. He cited examples like Kurl Songx and Yaw Berk, who left the label and struggled to maintain their success. Bullgod urged individuals to consider the outcomes of such decisions and emphasized the importance of amicable resolutions, even in cases of disagreement or departure.

In summary, Bullgod, the CEO of Bullhaus Entertainment, expressed concerns about Lasmid’s future after his departure from Highly Spiritual Music. He questioned the artiste’s request for a 50-50 revenue split and stressed the importance of understanding the investments made by labels. Bullgod highlighted the crucial role of artiste management and advised aspiring artists to consider the consequences of leaving labels. He also shared apprehension based on past experiences and emphasized the need for amicable resolutions.

Source – 3news.com


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