Ghana Makes Strides in Electrical Safety with Certification Program

The implementation of the electrical wiring regulations and certification program is sensitising the electrical wiring industry.
According to the Energy Commission, the regulation and wiring program have helped reduce electrical-related fires across the country.
Assistant Manager with the Electricity and Natural Gas Directorate at the Energy Commission, Stephen Nyomo said, ” Following the implementation of strategic programs by the government of Ghana to increase electricity access the country, it was expected that the number of fires, or the number of people that will be affected due to the use of electricity will increase.
These issues rated to poor wiring and the use of sub-standard electrical wiring materials were some of the issues that exposed users of electricity to high voltages, high temperatures due to electric current flowing through the cables.”
Stephen Nyomo also mentioned that “It was on the backdrop of this that the electrical wiring regulations were passed by the Parliament in 2011 and came into force in 2012.
This law was passed to ensure the safety of life and property that could be at risk due to the use of unapproved electrical wiring methods and unapproved wiring materials.