
Restaurant collapse in Spain kills four, dozens trapped and injured


Emergency services in Majorca are conducting a frantic search for survivors after a two-storey restaurant collapse claimed four lives and left 16 injured.

The tragedy unfolded at the Medusa Beach Club, a popular beachside eatery in Palma de Majorca, with reports suggesting several individuals remain trapped in the rubble.

The incident occurred around 20:30 local time on Thursday, with people plunging into the basement where customers and staff were present.

Authorities attribute the collapse to “excessive weight” on the terrace, prompting ongoing investigations into the cause.

Rescue teams are working diligently, urging silence to listen for signs of life amidst the debris.

Witnesses described a harrowing scene, with cries and screams filling the air as emergency responders arrived.

Raúl Pursnami, an eyewitness, recounted the shock and devastation of the event, highlighting the sudden turn from vacation bliss to tragedy.

While the identities of the victims are yet to be disclosed, reports mention a young man who had just left the gym and was enjoying coffee at the restaurant among the casualties.

Psychology experts are being mobilized to assist those affected by the traumatic ordeal.


International concerns arose, with the UK Foreign Office monitoring the situation but not confirming any British nationals involved.

Rescuers continue their efforts, anticipating more trapped individuals beneath the rubble.

The City Council of Palma declared three days of mourning, while Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed condolences and readiness to provide assistance.

Local leaders and emergency services also conveyed shock and condolences to the victims’ families.

Majorca, a popular tourist destination, faces a somber moment as investigations into the collapse and efforts to rescue survivors unfold.



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