
Resolve Tanker Drivers’ Strike – Industry Players To Regulator

The Association of Oil Marketing Companies (AOMCs) is concerned about the strike by the Ghana National Petroleum Tanker Drivers Union over a proposed driver remuneration framework.

The AOMCs acknowledged the tanker drivers’ critical role in the supply chain and their efforts to address their concerns.

While recognizing the importance of fair compensation, the AOMCs urged all parties to prioritize dialogue to avoid disrupting the fuel supply chain and causing potential shortages.

The AOMCs, in a statement, highlighted unsuccessful attempts to engage the leadership of the union and the intervention of the Trades Union Congress, TUC.

The AOMC emphasized that its members, who own and operate half the country’s tankers, rely heavily on these drivers. A strike could lead these members to leave the Drivers Union altogether.

However, Energy Analyst Dr. Yussif Sulemana is calling on all players in the downstream sector, led by the National Petroleum Authority, to quickly meet to resolve the concerns of the tanker drivers so as not to disrupt the operations of the downstream sector, thereby worsening the economic challenges in the country.

” I want to call on players within the space to do all that they can to be able to stop that in this kind of chain especially the downstream. Some players are there you might not see their importance because they are not the BDCs, OMCs. If you are not able to transport the petroleum products across the country, it’s going to be huge; it’s going to disrupt the smooth operations of the entire downstream.

We call on the regulator to continue to engage with them to address their concerns,” He said.


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