
EC Grants Provisional Certificate To ACUP To Form Political Party

The African Continental Unity Party (ACUP), a Pan-African global movement, has secured a provisional certificate from the Electoral Commission (EC) to form a political party that can participate in future elections.

In a brief ceremony held on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at the EC headquarters in Accra, Dr Serebour Quaicoe, Director of Electoral Services, gave the certificate to the ACUP Ghana leadership.

The provisional certificate, which was issued in line with Section 8(2) of the Political Parties Act, 2000 (Act 574), certifies that the ACUP has been given permission to form itself as a political party in accordance with the laws of the nation.

ACUP is part of a worldwide movement of Africans that seeks to create a new form of government that upholds African beliefs and values and promotes wealth for the African people.

Christiana A. Agyare, the party’s acting national women’s organizer, told reporters after receiving the certificate that the party is not just a “Nkrumahist Party,” but also shares the ideals and perspectives of well-known Pan-Africanists like Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, and Thomas Sankara.

The Party seeks to rally Africans, especially those in the diaspora, to support a positive transformation of the lives and welfare of the people, she said, adding that the dream of complete emancipation for Africans remains relevant today.

“We want to be a full-fledged political party and after that move on to African nations and work with Africans in the diaspora to make lives better”, Madam Agyare said

She also emphasized that “the idea of politics is an idea of service. It should not be a thing of privilege for a few selected people. We want to change that discourse”.

Despite receiving the provisional certificate, the ACUP still needs to meet a number of conditions in order to function properly as a political party.

Dr. Quaicoe recommended that because the certificate is not the final one, the party shouldn’t engage in political campaigning.



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