
“Parliament Is Not A Place For Entertainment” – Inusah Fuseini Fires Oppong Nkrumah Over ‘Papa No’ Comment

Hon. Inusah Fuseini Member of Parliament for Tamale Central in the Northern Region, has slammed Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah for turning Parliament into an entertainment ground.

According to the former Minister of Roads and Highways, Parliament is a law-making House which its standing orders do not allow the use of certain words on the floor of the House and also cast aspersions against a person.

Speaking on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ Morning Show, Hon Inusah Fuseini insisted that Kojo Oppong Nkrumah’s usage of the phrase ‘Papa no’ did not merit the discussion on the floor of parliament.

“We all know that ‘Papa no’ is coming from social media between two ladies who decided to make public their promiscuous lifestyles and that was where they use the word ‘Papa no’ [that man]; how can this come to Parliament? Words take their colours from their surroundings. Check what Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said, read it again, and ask yourself where does the ‘Papa no’ come in?” he rhetorically asked.

“Parliament is not a place for entertainment; we go there to make laws and so we don’t play over there. If you look at our standing orders, we have a word you cannot use in Parliament. We also have orders that say that we cannot speak against someone who is not in Parliament to respond to the issue; it will be unfair to speak ill of somebody who is not on the floor of the House,” he chastised.


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