
Region Is Ready To Partner Investors Who Will Add Value To Natural Resources – Regional Minister

Regional Minister

Western Regional Minister Hon. Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah has disclosed that the region is ready to partner with any investor ready to add value to the huge natural resources in the region.

According to him despite the region’s great contributions to Ghana’s Economy, it is yet to realize its full potential of creating wealth for the people.

Speaking during a visit by a 3 member team from Palermo city in Italy as part of an exchange program part of the implementation of Twin Cities in a Sustainable Partnership Project between the city of Palermo in Italy and the Sekondi Takoradi.

Hon. Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah however said the partnership will be one of the many opportunities the two cities will offer in areas of tourism, agriculture, arts and culture as well as the local economy.

“We believe that if we are able to collaborate, we’d be able to deal with, the working space so that it’ll help the young ones who would prefer to stay here.

 Creating opportunities for themselves and be even able to commit better. We’ve also very interested in business creates value and creates wealth, and then it can be shared,” he said.

On his part, Lawyer Francesco Campagna a counsellor of Ghana in Sicily from Italy also spoke to the media.

“We are bridging the channel to promote the two cities, durable collaborations for investors to find the right partners here in all sectors, even in agriculture, tourism and art, including others.”

The team also had some engagements with the Sekondi Takoradi Chamber of Commerce and Students of the Takoradi Technical University.

-Regional Minister


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