
Sekondi Constituency Derseves An MP Who Looks Out For Progress Of The Electorates

The Parliamentary Candidate for the National Democratic Congress in the Sekondi Constituency, Lawyer Nyameke Blay Armah, is of a firm belief that the dynamics of voting in the Sekondi Constituency will not be the same going forward.

According to him, successive Members of Parliament have neglected the constituents and have not paid attention to the development and progress of the Sekondi Community.

In an interview on Beach FM’s Western Echo Show, Lawyer Blay points out some communities that lack some basic social amenities like a latrine, proper markets, and others.

He mentioned that it’s about time the people of Sekondi vote for an individual who has the betterment of the constituency at heart.

Lawyer Nyameke Blay outlined some interventions such as vocational training and skills development which he would put in place to ensure the youth have a better standard of living.

” I am the first MP in Sekondi who is going to establish a guidance counselling and career development office, and that is going to help and guide people in choosing their various courses in both the secondary and universities.,”

” I am also going to establish cooperation in terms of vocational skills and provide them with all the necessary tools to educate the young ones,”

Beach Newsroom


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