School Placement System Not Favoring Private Schools – GNAPS Chairman

Chairman for the Ghana National Private Schools (GNAPS) in the Western Region, Charles Mintaba has stated that the current school placement system is hurting private schools across the country.
He made this revelation in an interview with Spice FM stating that private schools do not benefit from the government policy of the 30 per cent enrolment quota enjoyed by public students entering into Second Cycle Institutions.
In his view, the system is working against them because parents remove their wards from the private schools into public ones, to enjoy the 30 per cent quota of being placed in category ‘A’ school.
“Students get enrolled in government school during their second year and surprisingly such students excel in the basic exams. This shows that private schools produce the best students sadly these students leave to benefit from the placement system,” he mentioned.
He believes that the move is to make education in public schools attractive hence the introduction of the 30 per cent quota into Senior High Schools (SHS).
Mr Mintabah decried that the policy is running down the private schools which some time ago was described as the ‘engine of growth.
Touching on employment, he said these private educational centers have employed young people thereby decreasing the unemployment rate.
He, however, is calling for a review of the policy, therefore, admonished for an intensive education on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at SHS.
Meanwhile, he agreed with the Education Minister’s message to grade ‘A’ schools to accept enrolment of students with low grades and train them to become good students.
He believes that the school placement system is the best in Ghana but expressed concern over the lack of a control system, where a person uses his /her position to place students in any school.
-School Placement System in Ghana