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ACEPA deems spat between Bagbin and Dr. Kwaku Afriyie unfortunate


The African Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) has criticized the recent altercation between Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin and Member of Parliament for Sefwi-Wiawso, Dr. Kwaku Afriyie, calling it unfortunate.

The incident occurred on July 22 when Speaker Bagbin ordered the Marshal to remove Dr. Afriyie from the House for making a comment deemed disrespectful.

This action followed Speaker Bagbin’s suggestion that the House should address the issue of the full complement of the Supreme Court when the Appointments Committee presents its report on the two justices nominated by President Akufo-Addo for consideration.

Dr. Afriyie responded by stating that it was not within the Speaker’s purview to make such prejudicial comments.

In an interview with Citi News, Dr. Rasheed Draman, Executive Director of ACEPA, called for decorum in parliament.

He noted that while some may argue that the Speaker exercised his utmost power as per standing orders, many previous speakers have resisted doing so.

Dr. Draman also mentioned that Dr. Afriyie might have exceeded reasonable limits when addressing the chair.

Dr. Draman emphasized that such verbal altercations distract from the important work Parliament has ahead, urging members to focus on solving pressing issues instead.


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