
IPGG Warns of Impending Power Supply Disruptions Due to GRA Tax Harassment

The Independent Power Generators Ghana, IPGG has raised concerns over the persistent harassment of the Ghana Revenue Authority, GRA for tax payment.

IPPG claims that the GRA actions are causing significant distress amongst its members, potentially leading to disruptions in power supply.

Albert Acquah, a representative of IPGG, said the group is calling for immediate government interventions to prevent a shutdown of its members which could impact the nation’s electricity provision.

” Members of the Chamber have been extensively harassed by the Ghana Revenue Authority, GRA, particularly on the composition that there is a corporate income tax component embedded in the tariffs of IPPs, and demand for upfront payment of the corporate income, with blatant disregard for existing laws.

Whilst we acknowledge the support given by the Ministry of Finance and ECG, in resolving the matter, it is noted that if it is not appropriately resolved, this matter could worsen the existing power situation.

As it will impact the ability of IPPs to continue operations,” He said.


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