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Ambulance trial: Richard Jakpa alleges AG pressured by President and Ken Ofori-Atta to prosecute Ato Forson

Richard Jakpa, has alleged that Attorney General was pressured by President Akufo-Addo and Ken Ofori-Atta to prosecute Dr. Ato Forson.

In a dramatic turn of events in the ongoing Ambulance case, the third accused, Richard Jakpa, has alleged that Attorney General Godfred Dame was pressured by President Akufo-Addo and former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta to prosecute Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

Richard Jakpa made this revelation in a new court application seeking to strike out the charges against him. He disclosed that during his cross-examination last week, the Attorney General had contacted him at odd hours, urging him to implicate the Minority Leader, Dr. Ato Forson.

Dr. Ato Forson, who previously served as Deputy Finance Minister and is currently the Minority Leader, is on trial for his alleged involvement in the procurement of defective ambulances for Ghana. This high-profile case has sparked public debate, with some demanding the Attorney General’s resignation.

Jakpa’s legal filing asserts, “Godfred Dame has told him that the reason for his inclusion in the prosecution is to mask the real intention behind the whole trial. And that, he instituted the instant action, because the President of the Republic and then Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, were mounting pressure on him to persecute the then ranking Member for Finance and now Minority Leader, Hon. Ato Forson.”

Richard Jakpa’s legal team has requested the court to dismiss the charges against him or, alternatively, suspend the proceedings.


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