
Over 160 kidnapped in suspected Boko Haram attack on Nigerian village


Ten people were killed and over 160 villagers kidnapped in an attack on Kuchi village in Nigeria’s central Niger state, according to local official Aminu Abdulhamid Najume.

Suspected members of Boko Haram invaded the village on Friday night, targeting women and children, while those killed included local hunters providing security.

Najume, chair of the Council of the Munya Local Government Area, reported that the attackers arrived on motorbikes, looted houses, and spent over two hours in the village, even cooking food and making tea before leaving.

The Kuchi community has been left traumatized and is anxiously awaiting news of those taken.

Amnesty International expressed “deep concern” over the abduction, stating that it highlights the Nigerian authorities’ failure to protect lives.

 “The invasion of the village by the gunmen is yet another indication of the Nigerian authorities’ utter failure to protect lives,” the organization said.


They noted that Kuchi village has been consistently attacked since 2021, with gunmen raping women and girls and demanding ransoms to avoid further kidnappings.

Amnesty International urged Nigerian authorities to end these abductions and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Attacks in Niger state have become more common, with armed gangs frequently kidnapping villagers for ransom.

Last month, several villages were similarly targeted by these gangs.



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