
World’s youngest male painter takes art world by storm


Chantelle Kuukua Eghan, the mother of Ghanaian toddler Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, expressed her immense pride in her son’s artistic talent and aspirations for his future in the art world during an interview with the media.

Ace-Liam gained global recognition as the youngest male painter at just one year and 152 days old, a remarkable achievement celebrated by his mother.

Ms. Eghan, an artist herself for eight years, noticed her son’s flair for colors and artistry when he was merely six months old.

She described how he already understands color combinations and complements.

The official acknowledgment from Guinness World Records (GWR) came after a professional exhibition at the Museum of Science and Technology in Accra, where Ace-Liam’s paintings were showcased and sold.

His talent was further validated when the First Lady of Ghana, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, attended the exhibit and commissioned a piece.

Reflecting on Ace-Liam’s journey into the art world, Ms. Eghan shared how it began unintentionally as she needed to keep him occupied while she worked on a commissioned piece.

She created a canvas on the floor and let him explore with paint, leading to his first creation named “The Crawl.”


Ace-Liam’s artistic style is characterized by vibrant colors and acrylic paint, creating dynamic abstract images that reflect his curiosity and exploration.

Ms. Eghan envisions her son following in the footsteps of renowned Ghanaian artist Amaoko Boafo and drawing inspiration from international artists like Jackson Pollock and Damian Hirst.

With dreams of securing an international scholarship for Ace-Liam to further develop his talent, Ms. Eghan encourages parents to nurture their children’s talents from an early age.

Currently, Ace-Liam has his own studio, a testament to his budding artistic journey under the guidance and support of his devoted mother.



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