
Man detained for alleged plot to attack Olympic torch relay in Bordeaux


A man has been detained on suspicion of planning an attack on the Olympic torch relay in Bordeaux, according to French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

Although he provided limited details, Darmanin praised the police for ensuring the relay’s security on Thursday.

Prosecutors revealed that the suspect had written a disturbing message that “could correspond to glorifying crime,” and referenced a previous mass killing in the United States.

The Olympic flame, which arrived in Marseille earlier this month, is making its way to Paris for the Games starting on 26 July.

Paris 2024 organizers have emphasized the extensive security measures in place, especially for the opening ceremony, which will feature over 10,000 athletes being ferried along the River Seine.

The flame was scheduled to arrive in Bordeaux late Thursday afternoon after events in the surrounding area.

Bordeaux prosecutor Frédérique Porterie stated that an investigation began in response to an online message that mentioned the 10-year anniversary of the Isla Vista, California killing, where six young people were murdered.

CNews reported that the suspect’s post referred to Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, known for his deep hatred of women and his influence on the “incel” (involuntarily celibate) community.

Police identified and arrested the suspect, named Alex G, on Tuesday.

Though he had no criminal record, a search of his home uncovered a rubber pellet revolver, multiple mobile phones, and a computer.


Porterie noted that “initial investigations revealed the individual’s interest in the Incel movement.”

In custody, the suspect admitted to “having considered an act with no specific location” in mind and did not mention the Olympic flame relay. He was described as “psychologically highly fragile.”

The Olympic flame is on a 12,000km (7,500-mile) journey across mainland France and its overseas territories.

Due to recent riots, the leg of the route in the Pacific territory of New Caledonia has been canceled. Anti-drone experts have joined the police to closely monitor the flame’s journey.



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