
Spain, Ireland, and Norway to recognize Palestinian state amid Gaza crisis


Spain, Ireland, and Norway announced their plans on Wednesday to recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, signaling a significant move in response to the humanitarian crisis and civilian casualties in Gaza following Israel’s recent offensive.

These decisions by two EU members and Norway could inspire other EU nations like Malta and Slovenia to follow suit, potentially leading to further actions at the UN and increasing Israel’s diplomatic isolation.

Over 140 out of 190 UN member countries have already recognized Palestine.

The new European announcements carry symbolic importance, highlighting the long-standing Palestinian aspiration for statehood envisioned in the 1948 UN decision that created Israel.

Despite Western support for an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, substantive negotiations have been lacking since 2009.

While these recognitions don’t acknowledge an existing state but rather the possibility of one, they elevate the Palestinian cause internationally and intensify pressure on Israel to engage in peace talks.

This development also amplifies the Middle East issue ahead of the European Parliament elections, where far-right influence is expected.

Diplomatic pressure on Israel has mounted amid the prolonged conflict with Hamas, with the UN General Assembly recently granting enhanced rights to Palestine.


However, Israel views discussions on Palestinian independence as a “reward” for Hamas’ actions and insists on resolving all issues through negotiations.

Israel responded swiftly by recalling its ambassadors to the countries involved.

The move by Spain, Ireland, and Norway is seen as potentially solidifying the Palestinian stance and complicating the negotiation process.

While major powers like the US and UK have not recognized Palestine officially, evolving stances have been hinted, particularly in response to international outcry over the Gaza offensive’s toll on civilians.

However, challenges persist, such as Hamas’ control in Gaza, influencing countries’ decisions regarding recognition.



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