
Louisiana House passes bill to crack down on abortion pills


Abortion advocates are concerned that Louisiana’s move could set a precedent for other states to restrict a commonly used abortion method in the U.S.

The state is poised to reclassify these drugs as “controlled dangerous substances,” typically reserved for addictive medications like opioids.

The bill also seeks to ban possession without a valid prescription, punishable by fines or prison time, though pregnant women would be exempt.

Initially focused on penalizing the unauthorized distribution of abortion pills, the bill later included their classification as controlled substances.

Given that most abortions are already illegal in Louisiana, this bill further curtails access to the drugs, which are integral to nearly two-thirds of U.S. abortions.

While anti-abortion groups support the legislation, many doctors have raised concerns about its potential impact, noting the medications’ broader medical uses beyond abortions.

Some abortion rights advocates fear the bill, if enacted, could encourage similar measures in other states.


Vice-President Kamala Harris criticized the bill on social media, calling it “unconscionable” and attributing it to former President Donald Trump, whose appointed judges were involved in overturning the national abortion right two years ago.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on national access to mifepristone, crucial for medical abortions.

This case marks the most significant abortion issue before the Court since Roe v. Wade, with potential implications for millions regarding abortion access.



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