
Renal patients seek assistance as dialysis costs rise by GH¢491


The Renal Patients Association of Ghana has raised concerns over a recent increase in dialysis costs, which have risen from GH¢380 to GH¢491.

This price hike follows previous opposition from the association regarding a similar increase earlier this year.

Members of the association worry that this latest increment will worsen the financial burden on patients who are already struggling to pay their current bills.

Major Baffour Kojo Ahenkorah, the association’s spokesperson, has appealed to philanthropic organizations for support while they wait for Parliament to reconvene on Friday to discuss the increase.

He stated, “It is going to affect us big time. One, we don’t even have the GH¢380, and people have stopped coming. I mean, they are not able to do their normal regular two or three sessions. And now if you move it to GH¢491, what is going to happen? Four or five people could not do their dialysis and they went home because they didn’t have the money, so it is a big challenge to us.”

“We just don’t know what to do now. We are being told that the new price is coming from Parliament. And because Parliament is on recess, we are waiting for them to resume, but we learned they are coming Friday for a sitting, so we are trying to get the Parliamentary Select Committee from the House to have a discussion with them, and then we will see the way forward. But before then, we are appealing to all organizations to support us because we cannot foot the bill.”


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