
Armah Buah Donates 17 Motorbikes To WR NDC

Member of Parliament for Ellembelle in the Western Region, Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah, sees the 2024 general elections as one meant to liberate Ghanaians from the clutches of brazen corruption, gross mismanagement, power drunkenness, and disregard for the rule of law.

“Beyond His Excellency John Dramani Mahama and the NDC winning, it is also a quest to save the soul and very essence of our dear country.

Handing over motorbikes, each to one of the 17 constituencies in the region, to the NDC, Mr. Kofi Buah mentioned that it is a divine duty for the party to win power and restore the country to its former glory.

“This election is about restoring accountability, it’s about making sure that Ghana regains its leadership role on the continent. It’s about making sure that the rule of law prevails again. It’s about bringing hope and prosperity to the people of Ghana.

The deputy minority leader is aware of the enormity of the NDC’s desire to recapture power and has insisted that all is being done to ensure a resounding victory.

“There will be several instances where the electorate will be disinformed. And we stand ready to defuse such instances.

“These motorbikes and other logistics that will come later are meant to enable our noble men and women to traverse every corner of the region with the message of hope.

Upon receiving the motorbikes, the regional chairman of the party, Nana Toku, made gestures like this, which energise particularly the base of the party to do more.

“With these logistical supports, we do not have any excuse not to go the extra mile as we strive to win power.



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