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Ghana’s average monthly wage stands at GH¢2,922 –Report


A report titled ‘Navigating Inflation: Impacts of the Cost-of-Living Crisis on Workers in Informal Employment in Accra, Ghana,’ compiled by Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), revealed that Ghana’s average monthly wage stands at GH¢2,922.

However, this figure contrasts sharply with the earnings of workers in the informal sector, such as Kayayeis (head porters), who earn as little as GH¢500 per month.

The report highlighted the disparity in earnings among different informal worker groups, with street vendors earning GH¢1,250, waste pickers GH¢1,300, and market traders GH¢2,200 monthly.

Despite efforts by the Ghanaian government to address cost-of-living pressures, particularly through a 15% Cost-of-Living Allowance for public sector workers in mid-2022 and a subsequent 10% increase in the minimum wage in January 2023, informal workers were largely left out of these initiatives.

The high inflationary environment further exacerbated the financial challenges faced by informal workers, rendering their incomes insufficient to meet basic living standards.

The report emphasized the need for more effective policies that target and support the informal workforce, which forms a significant part of Ghana’s labor force but often struggles with economic vulnerabilities.



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