
OJ Simpson, NFL star controversially cleared of double murder, has died aged 76


Former American football star turned actor OJ Simpson has passed away at the age of 76, following a career marked by both acclaim and controversy.

Born in San Francisco, Orenthal James Simpson gained fame in college and went on to have a successful NFL career before his life became entangled with legal troubles.

In 1995, he was famously acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend, a case that captivated the nation.

However, in 2008, he was sentenced to 33 years in prison for unrelated armed robbery charges, later being released in 2017.

Simpson had been battling prostate cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy, as confirmed by the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

His family announced his passing, stating that he was “surrounded by his children and grandchildren.”

The high-profile murder case in 1994 saw Simpson become a person of interest after Brown and her friend were found murdered.

The subsequent trial, known as the “trial of the century,” ended in his acquittal, a decision that sparked intense debate and controversy.

Despite his acquittal, Simpson faced legal challenges. In a civil case in 1997, he was found liable for the deaths and ordered to pay substantial damages to the victims’ families.

His later involvement in a book and TV project related to the murders also stirred public outcry.

Simpson’s reputation took a further hit in 2008 when he was convicted of armed robbery, leading to a lengthy prison sentence. He was granted parole after serving the minimum required time.


Before his legal troubles, Simpson was highly regarded for his achievements in football, setting records and earning accolades.

He transitioned into acting, appearing in notable films and TV shows.

His passing evoked mixed reactions, with some expressing condolences and acknowledging his athletic legacy, while others, like Fred Goldman, father of one of the murder victims, saw Simpson’s death differently, stating that it was “no great loss.”

Gloria Allred, an attorney involved in the murder trial, reflected on Simpson’s death as a reminder of failures in the justice system regarding abuse cases involving celebrities.

Caitlyn Jenner, who was once part of Simpson’s social circle, echoed sentiments of closure for some, simply stating “Good riddance” on Twitter/X.



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