
Irreplaceable masterpieces by Picasso, Rembrandt, Goya feared lost in accidental blaze


Irreplaceable artworks by Picasso, Rembrandt, Goya, and M.C. Escher are feared lost after a fire engulfed a Seattle art gallery, as reported by the gallery’s manager to the media.

The fire, believed to have started in the alley behind the gallery, was initially thought to be caused by someone seeking warmth, eventually spreading into the three-story building.

Firefighters responded to 911 calls at 6:39 a.m. on a cold Friday morning.

Davidson Galleries, specializing in works on paper, particularly etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts, had accumulated 16,000 to 18,000 pieces over 50 years.

The collection ranged from a piece dating back to 1490 to works created just last week. Despite the tragic incident, no injuries were reported, and investigators later ruled the fire accidental.

Rebecca McDonald, the gallery manager, expressed hope that much of the artwork could be saved, stating, “We’re triaging them now.”

The fate of the pieces by renowned artists may take weeks to determine. The gallery was in the midst of planning a move from downtown Seattle’s Pioneer Square to a new location a few blocks away.

The gallery’s owner, Sam Davidson, lamented the impact on contemporary artists who trusted them with their works.

Smoke damage was a concern, especially as several artworks were laid out on the floor in preparation for the move.

Davidson described the scene upon arrival, saying, “Until I got there and saw it myself, I didn’t get the full impact. It is very dramatic when you walk in the gallery. It’s just so black in there.”


Despite the devastation, the gallery team updated in a Facebook post that the extent of damage was not as extensive as initially thought, expressing hope to preserve the majority of their inventory.

Some pieces, stored in drawers or covered with protective materials, may have been shielded from smoke damage.

The responding firefighters were commended for their judicious use of water and careful handling of the artworks.

In the aftermath, a collaborative effort between firefighters and artists emerged to move the surviving artworks, reflecting the supportive nature of the art community in times of need.



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