The Western Regional Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah has indicated that the newly commissioned Faecal Sludge Management Plant at Asaakae within the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly, EKMA in the Western Region would seek to improve the city’s environmental conditions.
Speaking at the event, Mr Darko Mensah said there are health hazards caused by inappropriate sewage, amongst other things, thus, the plant will reduce such occurrences.
The plant has a capacity of One Thousand cubic meters with an average of 100 trucks visiting the plant daily.
“This new treatment plant is therefore aimed at significantly improving the overall environmental conditions of the city.
This will decrease the health hazards caused by improperly treated sewage.
The new plant costs 20 million Euros and has a capacity of One Thousand meter cube and is built with comprehensive European treatment technology funding from the Exim Bank of Hungary,” The minister said.
He continued that the plant will provide sustainable and adequate unique solutions to the area in the management of the current uncontrolled dumping of fecal sludge in an inefficient and environmentally sustainable manner.
He added that. with the commission of the facility, there will be a reduction in the level of contamination water, an improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants, increasing living standards, and improve the general health and well-being of the people of EKMA.
Mr. Darko Mensah also mentioned that the facility will serve as a research hub for educational purposes, and boost the government’s interventions on SDGs 3, 6, 9, and 11.