
Regional Ministers, MMDCEs, And Regional Agric Directors Meet To Deliberate On PFJ Phase II

In an effort to increase food production in the nation and assure food security for the next five years, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, MOFA is scheduled to launch a new program.

Food security has been a pressing concern for Ghana despite all the significant expenditures made in agriculture.

In light of the aforementioned, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture organized a one-day consultative meeting for regional ministers, municipal, metropolitan, and district chief executives, as well as regional and district directors of agriculture, to share and discuss the new directions the Ministry is charting in order to fully realize the potential of the food and agriculture sector.

In addition to ensuring a deeper understanding and appreciation of the new policy direction, this activity will help implementing institutions determine the best course of action to take in order to address the difficulties found and improve the program’s implementation.

Dr Bryan Acheampong, the Hon. Minister for Food and Agriculture, indicated in his remarks that the Ministry is switching from the input subsidy system to an input credit strategy with the goal of lowering the entry barrier for every farmer in Ghana. This will ensure effective participation and encourage the vulnerable and young to pursue careers in agriculture.

The acting director of the Policy Planning Directorate gave a technical presentation. She presented a step-by-step process and strategy for the successful implementation of Phase II of PFJ.

Hon. Daniel Kwaku Botwe, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, was present at the engagement forum.

The Hon. Minister emphasized the vital function and duty incumbent upon the MMDAs and Regional Coordinating Councils to ensure that Government policies are carried out to the fullest advantage of the whole Ghanaian populace.

To make sure that the PFJ Phase II operates on the grounds, he urged everyone to put up their best effort.

Providing some data regarding food security. It became clear that in order to enhance livelihoods and the local economy of Ghanaian agriculture, courage and tenacity are required to transform the way the country approaches agriculture.

Dr. Bryan said that going forward, the MoFA will be in charge of overseeing all agriculture-related projects and programs in the nation in order to ensure a better-coordinated agriculture sector. It will ensure sufficient accountability, He claimed.


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