Labour Expert, Autin Gamey has commended organized Labour and government represented by the Finance Ministry and the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission for reaching an agreement on the 2023 base pay after a series of engagements.
Organised Labour comprising the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and institutions within the public services of Ghana agreed on a 30 percent increase in the base pay across the board at the existing pay point relativity of 1.7 percent.
Mr. Gamey says, although both parties delayed in arriving at a decision, the principal set out negotiations were duly followed compelling Labour Unions to accept the offer from government based on the necessities of the time.
He however, stated that he wasn’t a surprise to him considering the percentage reached by both sides.
“I am not surprised it ended at 30 at all because the employer is a little worried about how the consequences will be if its generates into work stoppage. I’m happy. They cannot afford it, even the 30 is too much for them, they are compelled to accept it, it’s never been done in many years but the circumstance in which they find themselves they have very little choice to have yield. The 30 percent is reasonable, I congratulate them on the conclusion they’ve come to. “
He described the percentage reached as reasonably adequate as it will cushion workers.