
Seized Excavators Missing In Ellembele District

The Ellembelle District Chief Executive (DCE) Kwesi Bonzo has expressed worry over the disappearance of seized excavators which were in the custody of the police.

Speaking to the media, Mr Bonzo says, he had information on Tuesday about illegal mining activities on the land of Nkrofu Agricultural SHS, and quickly mobilise the district mining committees to the site where two new excavators were working.

The team managed to remove the machines from the site and sought assistance from the district Police Command, where two police personnel were detailed to guard the excavators as efforts were underway to send the machines to Takoradi.

However, the police left the scene and somehow the excavators disappeared.

Mr Bonzo described the fight of galamsey as frustrating due to the uncooperative posturing of some key state actors.

He said, the fight against galamsey should not be left in the hands of politicians alone and called on all Ghanaians to join the fight.

“This galamsey menace is an organized crime. Arrest one galamseyer, and you will see the number of phone calls that will come to you. Unfortunately , it has been politicised and the real actors get away with it. We expect the Police, Judiciary to come to the table to help in this fight,” He stated.


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