
“Metro Mass Transit Will Soon Be Out of Business” – Sub Metro Director

Metro Mass

The Sekondi – Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly has threatened that the Metro Mass Transit (MMT) will soon be out of business in the Western Region.

According to the Sub Metro Director, Nana Asempanaye Yeboah, poor sanitation among lorry parks was of great concern to the Metro and strategies were rolled out to ensure the improvement of sanitation conditions.

He disclosed that a meeting was held on two accounts of improving sanitation on March 21st and 30th which included the provision of dustbins, waste lifting and sanitizing the public through jingles including the new generated strategies proved futile.

However, the non-compliance of the MMT has resulted in the organization to temporary shut down the station till further improvements.


“The Metro Mass Transport workers were not adhering to the measure put in place by the Assembly. We warned them on how they make the lorry park dirty but they did not comply with the directives. As of now, we are ejecting them from the park, and until they agree to comply with our directives on keeping the place tidy they will be out of business,” he stated.

Nana Asempanye said, ” for now there’s no idea where management of MMT would settle for business.”

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