
Provide Us With Premix Fuel – Sekondi Fisherfolks Plead

Fishing activities resumed after the sea was opened to fisher folks after being closed from July 1 to August 1.

Fisherfolks at the Albert Bosomtwe Sam Fishing in Harbour in Sekondi have pleaded with the relevant authorities to provide them with premix fuel to aid them in their trade.

Premix fuel is a purpose-made fuel for artisanal fisher folks who use outboard motors in the marine and inland fisheries sector.

The halt of fishing activities on the sea known as the closed season is a government initiative to ensure the conservation of fish during its breeding period so that fishermen can get the maximum benefit.

Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the end of the closed season some of the fishermen at the Bosomtwe Sam Fishing Harbour lamented over the unavailability of premix used in their fishing activities.

They said, the government should make premix available to enhance their work.

The fishermen said, ” We are not getting enough petroleum so we can’t fish well as fishermen. Currently, we are in a fishing season but there’s no petrol. We have prepared adequately for the fishing season ahead and personally, things have been well for me in the past month.

” As fishermen we cannot do without petrol, at the moment we don’t have petrol. There are a lot of fish to catch. This is a fishing season. We are pleading with the government to provide us with premix fuel.”

The fishermen contend that the date for the closed season should be altered from May to June ending which they believe would enhance their job.

Francis Akesse, a fisherman said,” We are not content with the date for the close season for fishermen. We would like the close season to begin in May and end in June. We are not comfortable with the July-August closure.

We only want the time for the close season to be altered so that we can do our jobs well.”


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