The Energy Commission says a key feature of the new 2023, L.I.2479 regulation is the introduction of a fixed minimum penalty unit to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical installations.
The Energy Commission developed guidelines for the implementation of the electrical wiring cables and electrical wiring accessories regulations 2023, L.I. 2478, originally proposed an L. I 2008 and updated in the L.I 2478.
The penalty unit is designed to deter potential violations.Assistant Manager of the Electricity and Natural Gas Directorate with the Energy Commission, Stephen Nyomo, said with this change, penalties will now be more consistent across the board.
"There are sanctions, the first of all will be the withdrawal of those items from the shelves and then you either re-exportation or destruction of them. There are some penalty units, that a minimum penalty unit," Mr. Nyomo said.
"The penalty unit applied in L.I.2008 did not even give the minimum penalty unit. It only gave the maximum, which means that if somebody flaunts the laws, the judge or whoever can decide to give one penalty unit and the person will go,"
Now in the L.I. 2078, there is a minimum penalty unit and a maximum which serves as a deterrent to anybody," He added.