Health Alert: Western Region Continues To Soar In COVID-19 Cases

President Nana Akufo-Addo in his update number 23 on measures taken against the spread of COVID-19 mentioned the Greater Accra, Central, Western, Ashanti, Eastern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, and Northern Regions as the hardest hit for coronavirus, accounting for ninety-four percent (94%) of the total number of active cases.
Spice News has noted with grave concern, the continuous surge in the number of active COVID-19 cases and its related deaths in the Region.
After the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions, the Western Region has the next highest number of positive cases – 3,595 out of the national total of 62, 751 thus, 5.7% according to the Regional Health Directorate.
Since its first COVID-19 case was recorded on 8th April, 2020, the Region as at 27th January, 2021 had 3,595 confirmed cases across all the fourteen (14) Districts with 319 active cases currently, from zero (0) in October 2020.
Deaths in the Western Region, resulting from the complications of COVID-19 have also increased from 15 in 2020 to 22 as at the time of filing this report representing a 31.8 % increase.
This unfortunate and worrying development, according to experts has been occasioned by non-adherence to the COVID-19 hygiene and safety protocols, especially during the Christmas and the New Year festivities which saw a lot of both indoor and outdoor social activities.
Social distancing at funerals, market places, transport terminals and work places has also been ignored.
To curb the spread of this deadly virus and contain it, the need for a co-ordinated approach by all stakeholders, and the strict adherence to the safety protocols by the general public is more urgent than ever before.
All hands must therefore be on deck to deal decisively with the disease in order to preserve our lives and livelihoods.
To complement Government’s efforts, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) should endeavour to make resources available to healthcare workers, media houses and the security agencies for effective public education and enforcement of the hygiene and safety protocols in order to protect the citizens.
To avoid a possible second lock-down, with the Western Region included this time around, we all owe it a duty to comply with these directives and ensure that the war against COVID-19 in the Western Region and in Ghana for that matter is won sooner than later.
Meanwhile, let us endeavour to observe all the COVID-19 safety protocols such as the washing of hands with soap under running water, robbing hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wearing of masks, keeping physical distance, avoiding crowded places and above all staying home as the surest ways of defeating the disease.
Story: Seth Ameyaw Danquah