It was a night of glit and glamour filled with love at the Christ the King Methodist Church, Anaji, as seasoned counsellors spiced the love life of couple and singles.
The event dubbed:The Journey of Love sought to provide advice to both married and unmarried.
The event is a joint program by Spice 91.9 FM in conjunction with the Christ The King Methodist Church, Anaji.
At the event, patrons received relationship tips and advice from Rev Mrs Margaret Opare, the District Minister of Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Justina Onumah Ghartey, Counsellor and an Educationist as well as Rev. Kwame Ghartey.
Rev.Mrs Opare advised singles to consider some factors before they say I do to their better halves.

She mentioned that a person’s character must to check before considering the personality which can even change after marriage.

She also cautioned singles to avoid engaging in premarital sex but allow enough time for themselves and their partners to enjoy sex when joined together in marriage.
For her part, Mrs. Justina Onumah Ghartey touched on some myth surrounding marriage, some of which are untrue.
She pointed out some things which helps marriage to flourish, amongst them are respect, good food and sex.

Mrs. Onumah again advised married women to take care of the needs of their husbands to avoid divorce.
She noted that some married women abandon the upkeep of their homes describing it as ‘not the best’, adding that husband should be psychologically, financially and spiritually sound to enhance happiness at home.
Rev. Ghartey gave a word of caution to singles to always seek the face of God before venturing into marriage as the journey of marriage is unending.
Some people who attended the program spoke with Spice FM expressing joy and shared some of their thought.

Belinda, a member of Christ the King Church, said, she was grateful for Spice FM for putting the program together to benefit both singles and married persons.
“We are grateful to Spice FM for organizing this program. I really enjoy the pieces of advice from the speakers and I hope we have such programs, ” she said.