Apply The Laws Without Fear Of Favour – President Akuffo Addo To Supreme Court Justices

Justices of the Supreme Court have been charged by President Akuffo Addo to ensure to apply the laws of the land strictly, without fear or favour.
At a swearing-in ceremony for the two Justices of the Supreme Court, the President indicated that the Judiciary as a third arm of government has the mandate to protect individual liberties and fundamental human rights of citizens.
” Applications of the laws of the land must occur in the words of the Judicial oath without fear or favour, assertion or ill-will and therefore without recourse to the political-religious or ethnic affiliations of any citizen of the land of any person before you. When pardon falls foul of the law society expects that the person will be dealt with accordingly,” President stated.
President Akuffo Addo congratulated Justice George Kingsley Koomson and Justice Ernest Yaw Gawu for successfully going through the rigorous scrutiny of their appointment, and confirmation by the Judicial Council and Parliament.
He reveals that the elevation of the new Justices presents them with an opportunity to continue to serve the nation in all matters.
Expressing gratitude to the President, Justice Kingsley Koomson remarked that for the confidence placed in them, they pledged to work in line with the constitution.
“It is a tremendous honour to be selected to serve in the apex court of our land.
As Justices of the apex court, we pledge to uphold the constitution of our nation and to assure you and the people of Ghana that we will continue to serve in dignity respect, and honesty and that we shall always protect the fundamental human rights of our people.
We are committed to serving with professionalism and impartiality, we recognise the enormous nature of the work and the responsibilities that come with the position. We, however, promise to give decisions that are just, fair and in accordance with the law,” Justice Koomson said.