
NPP Women Pick Forms And Pay Filing Fee For Abena Kwallah To Contest Women’s Organizer Position


Some women in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Western Region led by the Deputy Women’s Organizer, Suzzie Brown and a former aspirant, Diana Adjei of ASEDA Foundation have picked nomination forms for the incumbent women’s organizer of the party, Abena Kwallah to contest the upcoming regional elections.

They also presented a cheque of two thousand Ghana cedis to Madam Kwallah for the payment of her filling fees.

This they contend is borne of the realization that the NPP’S quest to break the eight-year cycle of government can only be achieved with tried and tested party people such as Madam Kwallah.

Presenting the forms, Miss Diana Adjei said Abena Kwallah has the capacity to mobilize women to break the eight.

According to her, Abena Kwallah’s commitment and dedication to the NPP over the years encouraged them to make the move.


“We hurriedly went to buy the forms for you because of your good works. Aseda Foundation, together with other women in the region came together to help you go further to ensure your good works reach other women too,” she said.

Madam Abena Kwallah who was obviously overwhelmed by the gesture thanked Diana Adjei and the team for the trust and confidence shown in her.

She promised never to let them down and will always remember their loyalty.


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