NAGRAT Kicks Against Date For National Standardised Test

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has joined groups opposing the decision to reschedule the vacation date for all basic schools to December 17, 2021, to allow for the National Standardised Test for primary four pupils to be held.
Angel Carbonu, NAGRAT’s President, complained that “we are toying too much with the school calendars and periods.”
His criticism follows that of the Ghana National Association of Teachers, which criticized the lack of communication from the Ghana Education Service.
“It looks like at every twist and turn, they will have to do something to change the calendar of the schools and this is really disorganising schools and students themselves.”
Basic schools were expected to vacate on December 10 and now, Mr. Carbonu says planning is affected adversely, “and this is not too good for teaching and learning to continue in the schools.”
He believes the exam could take place in January when students return from their vacation.
Responding to the concerns, Kwasi Kwarteng, the Education Ministry’s Public Relations Officer, defended the move saying key stakeholders were consulted.
“We are not disputing the fact that someway somehow, the date shouldn’t have been communicated earlier, but it wasn’t deliberate,” he added.
“It is not as though the Ministry of Education is insensitive and someway somehow we want to punish teachers.”