
Malfunctioning Traffic Lights And The Absence Of Zebra Crossing Markings At Effia Pose A Danger To Pedestrians and Motorists

In Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly, pedestrians and motorists are grappling with significant challenges when navigating the Effiakuma and Effia Number 9 roads.

Their concerns revolve around the absence of operational traffic lights and marked zebra crossings, which are making road access increasingly precarious.

Speaking to Beach Newsroom, some pedestrians and residents express heightened safety risks when attempting to cross the bustling road.

They say the traffic lights have been non-functional for the past four months, aggravating the issue by failing to regulate the speeding vehicles.

” Our safety as pedestrians on this road is at risk due to its busy nature. We would like the road to be expanded or a zebra crossing be done to make things easy for us as passengers “

Additionally, a major obstacle highlighted by the community is the presence of vendors selling their merchandise along the road’s shoulders, further complicating road usage.

The residents are urgently calling upon their Member of Parliament for the Constituency and the Roads and Highways Authority to address the situation promptly.

They emphasize the need for fixing malfunctioning traffic lights and marking the road with zebra crossings.

Furthermore, the community is demanding the deployment of police officers to assist in traffic regulation, ultimately aiming to ensure the safety of pedestrians on these challenging roadways.

“The ineffective nature of the traffic lights is a major problem as far as this road is concerned.Again we want the zebra crossing sign to be done on this road. My final plea goes to the police, most riders don’t comply with road use instructions we want the police to enforce the law and see to it that the misbehaviour on the part motor motorriders ceases. “

Beach Newsroom


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