
Guinness World Records urging more Africans to set records


Guinness World Records (GWR) is encouraging more Africans to attempt to break records by following in the footsteps of Nigerians

However, there is a warning that people must first register their efforts and abide by the rules.

Since chef Hilda Baci‘s four-day cook-a-thon in May was acknowledged by GWR, record-breaking has reportedly become somewhat of a craze in Nigeria.

The “craze” has now been quantified by the record-keeping body.

Since chef Hilda made headlines, GWR’s editor-in-chief, Craig Glenday, told BBC Focus on Africa that his organization has received 1,572 applications from Nigerians seeking to attempt records.

In an effort to gain recognition, people have been crying nonstop, massaging nonstop, and frying huge amounts of snails, among other things.


“I really like it when people are passionate about record-breaking,” Mr Glenday said.

“We definitely want to see more people from Africa generally setting records – it’s a good thing.”

But he added that GWR wants to be informed initially so they could evaluate the record attempt, see if it is measurable, and set the rules.

95% of record attempts, according to Mr. Glenday, get rejected.



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