
Somalia Targets Phone Firms To Prevent Terrorist Financing


The Somali government has ordered telecommunication firms, money transfer banks and other business entities to register their businesses and clients with the authorities in order to curb money laundering and terrorism financing, according to reports from a state-owned Somali National TV.

During a press conference on Tuesday, February 14, Daud Aweis, the information minister, also requested that mobile service providers register clients and gather their personal information, including fingerprints and photographs.

According to the minister, the government’s National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee has also cautioned the public against supporting militants.

“The public are asked to avoid any steps that may aid terrorism – particularly the crimes of money laundering and financing of terrorism, which are major criminal acts,” Mr Aweis said.


He urged all businesses to register with the government and issued a seizure order for any business or assets proven to be connected to the militants.

Any business that violates government directives would have its licenses revoked, the minister continued.

According to him, the action was taken to prevent terrorist-related money laundering and to cut the millitants’ income sources.

In response to a summons from the millitant group, the spy agency warned traders against traveling areas under the control of al-Shabab.

Author-Roberta Appiah

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