Editorial PickNews

Anaji CK Mann Park Sold to a Private Developer

CK Mann Park

The assembly member for Anaji Estate John Davies has disclosed that the CK Mann Park has been sold to a private investor who is also the owner of the Shelleyco Petroleum Gas Station and will be developing it into an ultra-modern sports complex and business center.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Beach newsroom he indicated that the redevelopment will comprise of an astroturf football park, basketball court , a gym and a business/event center, changing room, car park amongst others.

He revealed that the State Housing Corporation and EKMA agreed to the sale of CK Mann Park since it conformed with their development plan.

Last Saturday January 21, 2023 residents of Anaji Estate, bemoaned the sale of the Park to a private developer .

According to the residents the park is a very important asset to the community as it serves as an event center, football field and other important purposes and were shocked to realize that the very ‘heart’ of the community has been sold.

CK Mann Park

Even though Hon John Davies apologized to his electorate for the delay in a community engagement which should have been done before the contractors comes on sites and is very optimistic that the engagement will come on soon, the Chairman for the Anaji Estate Association Mr Sydney, says they should have been contacted and made aware of the sale of the park.

Since they were not contacted, they disapprove of the sale of the park and will resist any development at the location.

Meanwhile the site according to the Head of Works at EKMA Mr.Benjamin K.Aidoo has been accessed by the various stakeholders and awaits final approval from the Assembly’s spatial unit.

Author-Matilda Timmy Youpele

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