
Shoals of dolphins wash ashore in Axim and Ankobra beaches

Shoals of dolphins have washed ashore of the coast of Brewire and Ankobra, both suburbs of Upper Axim Traditional Area in the Nzema East Municipality in the Western Region.

The cause of their death is unknown but residents suspect they might have swallowed or eaten contaminated or poisonous substances.

Meanwhile, reports picked by Spice News has it that seven of the about sixty dolphins have been butchered and sold off by some residents to fishmongers so far.

A resident, Mr George Grant told the Spice News that some fisher folk could not wait for health workers to arrive at the scene before they could cash in on the situation.

He said though the dolphins are many such that they have changed the colour of the sea water in the area, they were not dead.

He narrated that officers from the Marine Police Unit of the Ghana Police Service have managed to trace and seized the ones that were taken by the residents for sale.

They have also been able to contain the situation as well as protecting the area from intruders as they wait for officers from the District Assembly and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to give directives on what to do.

Mr Grant hinted that currently, officers from the Fisheries Commission in Takoradi have arrived in Axim and having a meeting with stakeholders on the incident.

Earlier, some of the large species of fish were spotted at Osu, which the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly (KoKMA) in the Greater Accra Region sounded the alarm against the eating of fish washed at shore on Friday morning.

Fish experts with the Fisheries Commission have said in a statement to KoKMA that the development could be caused by bacteria.

Story: Seth Ameyaw Danquah

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