
Residents in Sekondi-Takoradi see off 2020 amidst enthusiasm

Residents in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region have seen off the year 2020 in a triumphat manner as they clad in all white apparel to demonstrate their triumph.

Watch Night services were held in the various churches Metropolis to express gratitude to God for seeing them throughout the year 2020 despite the threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time bars, pubs and entertainment centers were full to capacity as others joined in with their families to celebrate their survival and success throughout the year.

Many celebrants who thronged the bars and pubs later trooped to the churches at some few munites to the new year to seek divine intervention and ask for God’s forgiveness and blessings in the new year.

Fire works were performed by some members in some of the churches, bars, pubs and the entertainment centers whiles others in the communities burn lorry tyres to welcome the new year.

One of the places that had a special fire cracking exercise was the Best Western Plus Atlantic Hotel in Takoradi due to the fact that they could not hold their annual carol service this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When the Spice News team got to the Pentecost International Worship Center (PIWC) at Effia, members were mostly clad in all white aparrel with their nose masks on amidst Christmas souvenirs and waving, clapping, dancing and shouting to the admiration of God.

Prayers of thanksgiving were offered to the Lord for goodness and kindness showered to members and Ghanaians, especially for seeing the nation through the 2020 general elections peacefully.

Pastor Daniel Okyei Boakye

Pastor Daniel Okyei Boakye, Resident Pastor of PIWC in a short exhortation quoted from Eph 3:20 which reads thus, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us”.

He admonished the members to take God at His word as they chart their course for 2021, believing that God is faithful to cause His word to come to fruition in their lives as stated in His word.

He observed that a year of bitter-sweet memories has passed and said, “May this new year bring immense joy and fun in abundance to our lives that we may reach new heights of success in the year 2021”.

Story: Seth Ameyaw Danquah


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