The average work rate of Joseph Cudjoe, Member of Parliament for Effia Constituency in Sekondi-Takoradi in the Western Region, has been delivery of one project each month, in the twelve years of his tenure as MP.

At the last count, Joseph Cudjoe, through immense and sustained lobbying as well as using his personal financial resources, has delivered over one hundred and twenty (120) projects and programs in the Effia Constituency
While some of the projects, were funded and completed by the government, a host of others were through personal financial efforts.
These projects include school blocks, a constituency office, street lighting and solar power systems, water storage tanks and boreholes, road projects, footbridges, culverts and drainages, toilet facilities, renovation works of Police Station and schools, Astro turfs, event grounds and sheds for social gatherings, and water pipeline extensions. Joseph Cudjoe’s signature projects include human capital and youth development which is his strong passion. The MPs signature annual programs such as Effia Community League (ECL), Sala Gala, Effia Carnival cannot be forgotten.

“The true essence of being a Member of Parliament is to make the life of your constituents better off. Each of the projects is tailored, strategically to address a specific need. So, you will find out that, for areas that hitherto had no water supply, my team and I have provided them with a water system; some are ongoing, areas that needed light to solve security concerns, we have provided them with light, and many more,” he said.
This work rate earned him the accolade “Men At Work,” one that has become a source of inspiration for him to continue working for the benefit of Effia.
“I do not announce my works, but only after I have secured funding, the contractor has moved to the site or the work, is completed.
“My favorite word is DONE. I believe in done instead of it is in the pipeline or TO DO,” he emphasised
Road construction and controversies
Ongoing are several road projects to ease movement, while connecting Effia to other constituencies, considering how central Effia is, in Sekondi-Takoradi; connecting Sekondi, Essikadu – Ketan, Kwesimintsim and Takoradi.
Several detour routes are in the constituency and become significant during the morning and evening rush hours.
Thus, several inner roads are currently being asphalted.
Joseph Cudjoe is amazed at how some people are spinning and laying claim to being the ones behind the road projects.
“Before the parliamentary primaries, there was propaganda that my challenger was behind the road projects. Perhaps such blatant lies earned him his electoral victory. The election is over, and such propaganda persists. How can anyone use a month to secure a road project of such magnitude and for construction to begin? I will leave it to the judgment of the public and to their conscience. I believe that very soon the truth wil be evident and the reality will dawn on Effia. We should be careful of politics of lies, deceit and image mauling. We should note that It is not possible to lie to people for long. Sooner than later people get to know that you have deceived them with cheap talk.
He mentioned that “soon work will resume on the Effiakuma traffic lights to Police quarters and the CDH roads.”
Joseph Cudjoe spoke of several projects he had earmarked for the next four years, including road projects to continue, with his idea of connecting all parts of the constituency, water projects, and Astro turfs, had he been retained.
“I had planned many projects. I’ve already secured 13 road projects for several areas of Effia, I wanted to connect Mapees to CK Mann when the bridge on the Kansawora River is complete, and I wanted to do the road behind the Bankyease Astroturf that leads to Kwesimintsim. Indeed, I had planned to add more Astroturf. Recreational activities are important to me as I believe that a sound mind lives in a sound body. So, I have bought land at Top Ridge with personal funds for an Astroturf and registered it in the name of the assembly. The other one is at Tamsco.
“Unfortunately, the delegates of Effia think otherwise, and I lost. Well, time will tell whether that decision was a good one or not. I don’t begrudge them for a second. The work is not as easy as portrayed.
“I will not say I have been able to solve all, the problems that Effia have, but I believe, I have done my best and posterity will be the judge.
“For the Parliamentary Candidate, I can only wish him well. Whatever it is, it is my projects that will be used for campaigning, and it will be my sworn duty to help maintain this seat while also working to retain our party in power.”