Seth Kwame Dzokoto, an aspirant vying for Municipal Chief Executive of the Tarkwa Nsuaem, says he looks forward to bringing development to the area when given the nod.
Interacting with Beach News at the NDC Western regional office in Sekondi for the vetting process, Kwame Dzokoto touted some of his achievements in the area as a one-time Parliamentary Candidate of the NDC in Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency in 2016.
According to him, he stands tall amongst his competitors who are also vying for the same position.
“As a parliamentary candidate, I know a lot of problems that the constituency faces, so I think I stand tall in terms of those contesting. I have so many ideas to tackle such problems.”
“I lobbied for the construction of asphalted roads and connecting some communities onto the grid in the constituency, and I want to do many things. I look forward to being presented with the opportunity to do them.”
Kwame Dzokoto said he will operate an all-inclusive leadership, where constituents can share ideas with their leaders to make things work for the Constituency.
He seeks to use digitization to generate revenue for the growth and development of the area.
“I would work jointly with the MP to bring development. I’ll introduce the digitization of revenue and management systems, which will be featured in road tolls and others. I want to tell the vetting committee to consider somebody who is a unifier and not a divider.”