
Typhoon Yagi death toll surpasses 200 in Myanmar


The death toll in Myanmar following Typhoon Yagi has climbed to over 220, with nearly 80 people still missing, according to the military government.

The storm hit northern Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar in early September, claiming over 500 lives across the region.

Myanmar has been particularly hard-hit, with at least 226 deaths reported and entire villages destroyed by floods and mudslides.

The United Nations has warned that more than half a million people in the conflict-torn country urgently need food, clean water, shelter, and clothing, as hundreds of thousands of acres of crops have been ruined.

The devastation has affected nine states and regions, including Myanmar’s capital Naypyidaw, Mandalay to the north, Magway to the west, and Bago to the south, all along the Irrawaddy River, the country’s largest waterway.

Shan State in the northeast and Mon, Kayah, and Kayin states to the south have also suffered severe damage.

Since early 2021, Myanmar has been embroiled in a civil war, which began after the military seized power from the democratically elected government.

The conflict has led to thousands of deaths and millions being displaced, as resistance groups challenge the ruling junta.

The army has lost control of significant portions of the country, creating a fragmented governance system. Poor communication in remote areas has further delayed the release of casualty figures.

The United Nations described the flooding as some of the worst in Myanmar’s recent history, with the country’s disaster response agency estimating that approximately 630,000 people have been affected.

Relief efforts have been severely hindered by blocked roads, damaged bridges, and broken communication lines.

Aid organizations have had little access to many parts of the country, particularly Shan State, which has been devastated by flooding and is largely controlled by a rebel army.


A volunteer rescuer in southern Shan State told BBC Burmese that entire homes were buried under mudslides.

“We have collected over 100 dead bodies so far, including children and elderly people. We’re still searching for over 200 more,” he said. A local resident described the flooding as “the worst I have ever seen in my life.”

In Kayin State, which is more than 500 miles away, the situation is similarly dire. “People are in urgent need of food,” Khon Matia, a senior official in the rebel-controlled state, told BBC Burmese.

“There is no offer of international aid. People are in a more difficult position here because everything is blocked by the floods and the war. It is very difficult to reach us.”

The military junta issued a rare appeal for assistance over the weekend, with neighboring India being the only country to respond so far. India sent aid, including food, clothing, and medicine.

Typhoon Yagi also claimed 10 lives in Thailand and one in Laos.

In Vietnam, authorities reported 292 deaths, 38 missing, damage to more than 230,000 homes, destruction of 280,000 hectares of crops, and significant losses in major manufacturing hubs.



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