
IPGG Urges Power Sector to Secure Alternative Fuels Amid Ghana Gas Maintenance Shutdown

Independent Power Generators Ghana, IPGG is urging stakeholders in the power sector to guarantee alternative fuel sources to keep thermal plants running during the ongoing maintenance work on the Ghana National Gas Company’s processing plant and offshore facilities.

IPGG CEO, Dr. Elikplim Agbetorgbor raised concerns about potential production disruptions due to fuel shortages during this period.

” The maintenance of our power systems infrastructure including the gas pipeline is a very important thing, once maintenance is due, I think that must be allowed to be done. It is just an industry practice, and it is required that our managers of the sector do proper planning and coordination to help mitigate the adverse effects on the electricity supply given the maintenance period,”

“Definitely, for us as power producers, once fuel is not coming it’s going to affect production, so it is required that the government will make available an alternative fuel supply and these fuels will be made available should be optimised for proper output. I think it is something that is normal and should be managed very well without any adverse effects,” Dr. Agbetorgbor said.

The Ghana National Gas Company Limited (Ghana Gas) has announced that it will be shutting down its Gas Processing Plant (GPP) and offshore Gas Export Facilities for maintenance. This scheduled maintenance will take place from August 1 to August 17, 2024.


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