
Tanzania’s Information Minister sacked after comments on election rigging


Tanzania’s Information Minister, Nape Nnauye, has been dismissed following a backlash over his remarks suggesting that elections could be manipulated.

In a video from July 15, Mr. Nnauye was recorded saying he would assist a fellow ruling party MP to win in the 2025 election and that “election results are not necessarily those in the [ballot box], rather they depend on the person counting and making announcements.”

After facing widespread criticism for his comments, which went viral online, Mr. Nnauye claimed they were made in jest.

Despite his apology, where he stated he believed in “free and fair elections,” President Samia Suluhu Hassan removed him from his position on Sunday during a cabinet reshuffle, without specifying the reasons for her decision.

In the controversial video filmed during a visit to Bukoba, Mr. Nnauye also stated, “Because I’m good at election tricks, I will assist to emerge victorious,” and mentioned various methods to ensure a win—”legal, half legal, and illegal”—adding, “All of them could be used provided after the conclusion you seek God’s forgiveness.”

Many Tanzanians condemned Mr. Nnauye for undermining democratic principles and disrespecting voter decisions.

His past comments during the 2015 elections, where he used a football analogy to imply the ruling CCM party would win by any means, also drew criticism.


The CCM (Chama cha Mapinduzi), which has ruled since 1977, faces accusations of election fraud and state repression, though the electoral commission denies these claims.

Mr. Nnauye, who has been with CCM since his primary school days, was initially appointed as information minister by the late President John Magufuli. After being removed in a reshuffle, he was reappointed by President Samia in January 2022.

He will be succeeded by former Land and Housing Development Minister Jerry Slaa.

In addition to Mr. Nnauye’s dismissal, Foreign Minister January Makamba has also been removed from his post. Tanzania’s ambassador to Italy, Mahmoud Thabiti Kombo, has been named as his replacement.



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