
Ranking Member John Jinapor Urges President to Address Cost of Living Amid Rising Power and Petroleum Prices

The Ranking Member on the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament, John Jinapor has impressed upon the President to review the cost of living in the light of increasing prices of power and Petroleum products.

He says, that although the minimum wage has fairly increased, the cost of goods and services is so high that the average man cannot make ends meet.

Mr. Jinapor said, this at a news briefing in Accra.

He added that the country’s Gross Domestic Product, GDP rate is unable to aid the country in servicing its debt.

Mr. Jinapor further said that contrary to the Minister of Finance’s assurance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, Independent Power Producers, IPPs liabilities have not been restructured.

He said his checks revealed that the government has not met its obligation to the IPPs.

He therefore called for a national dialogue.

“The Minister of Finance informed Ghanaians that they have restructured some 1 billion dollars of IPP liabilities. Our checks indicate that it is completely false.

On the contrary, the government has failed to meet its side of the bargain by making some bulk payments that will trigger this agreement. That is to say, some condition precedent that the government ought to fulfil, but this government has failed,”

” This is the time for the President to swallow his pride and call for a national dialogue on the state of Ghana’s economy,” He said.


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