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NIA workers petition president to remove executive secretary


The National Identification Authority (NIA) Division of the Public Services Workers Union, Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana, has formally requested the removal of Prof. Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah from his position as the Executive Secretary of the NIA.

In a petition dated July 1, the division outlined their decision, which was endorsed by nearly the entire staff of the NIA. The petition was signed by 920 staff members.

The petition asserts that the request is based on several grounds, including unfair labor practices contrary to labor laws and the Human Resource Manual and Policy Framework for Ghana Public Services, violations of SSNIT law, poor corporate governance, selective and administrative injustice in recruitment, placement, and promotion of staff, and a lack of innovative management ideas.

The division expressed concerns that Prof. Attafuah’s continued tenure could lead to further harm and reputational damage to the authority. They stated that staff have lost trust in his administration and can no longer work with him confidently.

The petition argues that these issues, coupled with infractions of labor laws and SSNIT Acts, justify his immediate removal.

The division believes that Prof. Attafuah’s dismissal would restore staff confidence and improve the authority’s reputation.

They emphasized that his removal would reinstate confidence among the working staff and reignite the authority’s reputation.


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