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FOCAP President challenges FDA over alcohol endorsement ban


Kojo Preko Dankwa, President of the Foundation of Concerned Arts Professionals (FOCAP), has voiced his organization’s determination to challenge the Supreme Court’s recent decision upholding the ban on celebrities endorsing alcoholic beverages, enforced by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

Preko argues that the FDA’s enforcement strategy, which he describes as “lazy,” is adversely impacting the Creative Arts Industry financially.

In an interview with PluzzNewsbits, Preko criticized the FDA for allegedly misinterpreting World Health Organization (WHO) reports to justify their ban on celebrity endorsements of alcohol.

He highlighted that after reviewing WHO reports from 2015 and 2005, he found no provisions suggesting that banning celebrity endorsements would effectively deter adolescents from alcohol consumption.

Preko emphasized the need for constructive engagement between the FDA and stakeholders in the creative sector, particularly prominent figures, to collaboratively address concerns related to alcohol consumption among minors.

Additionally, Preko suggested that the FDA should redirect its efforts towards monitoring and regulating pubs and outlets that sell alcohol, ensuring compliance with age restrictions to prevent underage drinking.

The FOCAP President underscored the importance of a nuanced approach to regulatory measures, urging authorities to prioritize community-level interventions over blanket bans on celebrity endorsements.


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