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Teenager allegedly commits suicide in Bimbilla Police custody


An 18-year-old man, identified as Mbornlen Abass, popularly known as Agogo, has allegedly hanged himself while in police custody in Bimbilla, located in the Nanumba North District of the Northern region.

Abass was arrested by the police on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, following an accusation by Pinimkpel Nampar, who claimed that Abass had stolen GH¢2,000 from him.

Despite Abass’s denial of the theft, he was detained in a police cell overnight.

Sources indicate that while an officer went to purchase food for Abass, he returned to find no response from the cell.

Upon opening the cell, the officer discovered Abass’s lifeless body hanging from the ceiling with a blanket. The body was subsequently transported to Bimbilla Hospital for preservation.

The Regional and Divisional Police Commanders visited the scene on Wednesday, June 27.

Following the incident, Abass has been buried.


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