
Ghana plastic manufacturers threaten shutdown over 5% excise tax

Consumers across Ghana may soon experience a shortage of essential commodities packaged in plastic, including bottled and sachet water.

Consumers across Ghana may soon experience a shortage of essential commodities packaged in plastic, including bottled and sachet water.

The Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association has issued a strong ultimatum to the government, demanding the immediate suspension of a newly imposed 5% excise tax on locally produced plastic products.

The Association has warned that if their demands are not met, manufacturers will halt production for seven days as a form of protest. Speaking at a press conference, Ebbo Botwe, President of the Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association, emphasized the urgent need for the government to reconsider its stance and engage with all stakeholders to avoid the economic consequences of the planned shutdown.

“We are appealing to Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to intervene in this matter because this consumer tax will significantly impact the masses, causing extreme hardship for the common man and woman,” Botwe stated.

He further called on the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to cease the alleged harassment of plastic manufacturers and urged the Ministry of Finance to respond within one week. Failure to do so, Botwe warned, would result in the cessation of production and the temporary layoff of over 30,000 workers.

In support, Dr. Joseph Obeng, President of the Ghana Union of Traders’ Association (GUTA), urged the government to find innovative ways to meet tax obligations without burdening local industries. He criticized the timing of the excise tax, noting that businesses are already struggling with the effects of fluctuating exchange rates and numerous other taxes.

“The government is being insensitive to the business community. Let’s defer the implementation of the excise tax. The time is not right and it’s not fair to impose another tax when businesses are already suffering,” Obeng remarked.


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